June 22, 2023

Return to work with confidence

Pauline Mahu

Pauline Mahu

Less than 18% of women felt confident on their return to work after parental leave (MMB Magazine, 2018).

Becoming a working parent shouldn’t be something you have to “get through” but something you get to create. You’ll return to work a different person than when you left, with new skills and you’ll have different priorities and different goals.

Whether you are reconsidering your career or going back to your job here are a few things to keep in mind:

Plan ahead

Start planning your return well in advance at least 3 months prior.

Stay in touch with your employer

If you are eligible for KIT days then these can be used to support your re-entry back to work. Be specific about what you want to use them for.  This is a great opportunity to connect with your line manager and old colleagues as well as discuss your return date, any changes in your role or responsibilities, and any specific needs or accommodations you may require.

Refresh your knowledge

It might be a good time to read industry publications, attend webinars or workshops, or consider online courses to update yourself. All these actions will boost your self-confidence and fulfil your need for intellectual stimulation.

Self care is essential

Establish a routine to maintain your physical and mental well-being. Get enough sleep, eat healthily, exercise regularly, and practice stress-management techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. Establish boundaries around working hours, commute time, partner support.

Arrange for childcare

Ensure you have reliable and trustworthy childcare arrangements in place with identified plan B as it is essential that you have peace of mind knowing your child is in good hands.

Ask for help

It's okay to seek support from your partner, family, friends, or colleagues. What can you delegate, both at work and at home?

Remember to be patient with yourself as you find your new balance. You might need to adjust, review as your energy levels changes and how your relationship with work will evolve.

How can Ammi help?

During the return to work adjustment, it is really important to seek help. Ammi can help you connect with other working parents and link you to communities sharing advice, strategies and experiences which is a great start!

Want to get in touch with Pauline?

I offer return to work coaching on a one-to-one basis to help you navigate your transition and figure out the work/life balance that is right for you. I offer bespoke and tailored coaching sessions to your own needs.

Feel free to book a complimentary call here: https://calendly.com/paulinemcoaching

You can find me here: www.paulinemcoaching.com
